The ‘$600 Million’ Obamacare Website That Never Was

by The National Memo on Oct 28, 2013 | Views: 155 | Score: 0
Millions (USD)
Cost of Obamacare Website, According to GOP600
ACTUAL Cost of Obamacare Website, According to Non-Partisan Analysis70
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The National Memo
The National Memo on Oct 28, 2013 4:45 PM said:

Earlier this week, David Camp (R-MI) announced hearings into the troubled launch of the 'Obamacare' website, stating that “after spending over $600 million, the American people want answers." There’s just one problem: The website did not cost $600 million – not even close. A report from the non-partisan Sunlight Foundation finds that it cost significantly less: around $70 million.