Family Matters: Progressivism Within The Catholic Church

by SavvyRoo on Sep 3, 2015 | Views: 141 | Score: 0
Acceptable and as good as any other arrangement for raising childrenAcceptable but not as good as some othersDon't know / No opinionNot acceptable
Married mother and father90451
Unmarried parents living together4835412
Gay or lesbian couple4323627
Single parent384966
Divorced parents3152710
% of American Catholics that said...
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SavvyRoo on Sep 3, 2015 7:28 PM said:

Despite their ties to strict doctrine and religious principles, American Catholics are largely open to the idea of non-traditional families. According to a study done by Pew Research, nearly 85% of Catholics are accepting of unmarried parents living together, while two thirds are open to the idea of gay or lesbian couples raising children.