2010 US: Where Did Charitable Contributions Go?

by Kaitlin Senk on Jul 13, 2013 | Views: 60 | Score: 0
Created with Highcharts 4.2.3 /Highstock 4.2.3% Received of Total Estimated Contributions1Religious OrganizationsEducational InstitutionsHuman ServiceOrganizations05101520253035
Religious Organizations32
Educational Institutions13
Human Service Organizations12
% Received of Total Estimated Contributions
Sources: nccs.urban.org
Kaitlin Senk
Kaitlin Senk on Jul 13, 2013 3:08 PM said:

In 2010, religious organizations received the largest share of the total estimated charitable contributions made by individuals, foundations, bequests, and corporations. Individuals accounted for about $217.79 billion of these contributions.