Vast majority of US Believes in Net Neutrality

by SavvyRoo on Nov 16, 2014 | Views: 76 | Score: 0
Americans, which statement do you agree with more?0
Internet service providers should not be able to restrict the speed of of certain types of Internet content77
Broadband internet service providers should be allowed to prioritize data traffic speed23
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SavvyRoo on Nov 16, 2014 1:20 PM said:

Over three-quarters of Americans believe that internet service providers, or ISPs, should not be able to restrict the speeds of certain types of content. A relatively small minority say these providers should be able to prioritize certain traffic.

Noah on Nov 17, 2014 4:25 AM said:

I am all for net neutrality but this seems like a survey designed for this outcome: don't restrict speed vs prioritize data traffic. Who would ever vote to prioritize data traffic. A more telling survey would pit don't restrict speed vs allow companies to buy faster speeds.