Number of patent applications, U.S. origin | |
1980 | 62098 |
1985 | 63874 |
1990 | 90643 |
1995 | 123958 |
2000 | 164795 |
2005 | 207867 |
2010 | 241977 |
2013 | 287831 |
Number of patent applications, U.S. origin | |
1980 | 62098 |
1985 | 63874 |
1990 | 90643 |
1995 | 123958 |
2000 | 164795 |
2005 | 207867 |
2010 | 241977 |
2013 | 287831 |
What do you think made U.S. patent applications skyrocket? Can we point to the internet?
The great rise of tech.