World Hunger in Perspective

by Alec H. on Sep 28, 2014 | Views: 112 | Score: 0
Cost to End World Hunger30
International Experimental Thermonuclear Reactor Cost50
2011 US War on Terror Budget70
2011 US DOD Military Readiness Budget515.4
Total cost of Iraq War1700
Cost (in billion USD)
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Alec H.
Alec H. on Sep 28, 2014 9:17 PM said:

The UN places the cost to eliminate world hunger at $30 billion a year. In comparison, the US spends more than half a trillion dollars on military expenditure each year.

Noah on Sep 29, 2014 9:34 AM said:

Key Question: What drives our media, politicians and voters? Fear or hope? I think your chart provides the answer.