Which Kind of Marriage Is More Satisfying?

by Kaitlin Senk on Jun 24, 2013 | Views: 61 | Score: 0
Husband provides for family and wife takes care of house and childrenHusband and wife both have jobs and both take care of house and children
Total Public Surveyed3062
Accept current family trends (believe they make no difference to society)1773
Skeptical about current family trends (tolerant but are concerned about the impact of these trends on society)2370
Reject current family trends (believe most trends are bad for society)5142
% of US Public Opinion
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Kaitlin Senk
Kaitlin Senk on Jun 24, 2013 12:24 PM said:

Those who reject current family trends prefer traditional family arrangements while those accepting of single parent households, gay and lesbian parenthood, children out of wedlock, couples living together unmarried, mothers working outside home, interracial marriages and women not having children tend to be more progressive in their views of marriage