Terrorism Abroad: How Interested Are We?

by SavvyRoo on Jan 13, 2015 | Views: 179 | Score: 0
% of Americans that have followed foreign attack/incident very closely
London Bombings (2005)48
Killing of Russian children by Chechen rebels (2004)48
Bombings in Madrid (2004)34
British police diffuse car bomb in London (2007)34
Shooting at Paris newspaper office (2015)29
Attacks in Mumbai, India (2008)29
Bombing and shooting in Norway (2011)26
Attacks in Nairobi, Kenya Mall (2013)25
Bombings in nightclub in Bali, Indonesia (2002)20
Sources: pewresearch.org
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SavvyRoo on Jan 13, 2015 9:18 AM said:

The recent terrorist attack against the employees at Charlie Hebdo in France has certainly captured the attention of the news media and political leaders throughout the world. But how interested are the citizens of the United States in this horrific event, compared to other terrorist attacks that have occurred abroad? According to Pew Research, the Charlie Hebdo story has attracted only moderate attention, with three out of ten Americans following the story closely.