Other Invest. Funds | 35 |
Broker Dealers | 12 |
Struct. Fin. Vehicles | 8 |
Finance Cos | 8 |
MMFs | 6 |
Other Trust Cos | 2 |
Real Est. Invest. Funds/Trusts | 1 |
Hedge Funds | 0.2 |
US Fin. HoldCos | 7 |
Dutch Spec. Fin. Inst. | 5 |
US Funding Corps | 4 |
Other (Identified) | 2.4 |
Other (Unidentified) | 9.4 |
The "shadow banking system" has grown in recent years (reaching $71Trn in 2012, as shown by type) as regulated banks have slashed their balance sheets. Blamed in part for the financial crisis, shadow banks (like securitization vehicles) perform many bank-like functions, but are only "lightly" regulated. Click the link to find out how global regulators are proposing to strengthen oversight.