Longest Filibusters in History

by Matthew Lawlor on Sep 25, 2013 | Views: 217 | Score: 0
Filibuster Length
Sen. Rand Paul (2013)12.87
Sen Robert Byrd (1964)14.22
Sen Alfonse D'Amato (1992)15.25
Sen Huey Long (1935)15.5
Sen William Proxmire (1981)16.24
Sen Robert La Follete (1908)18.35
Sen Ted Cruz (2013)21.32
Sen Wayne Morse (1953)22.44
Sen Al D'Amato (1986)23.5
Sen Strom Thurmond (1957)24.3
Length of Filibuster in Hours
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Matthew Lawlor
Matthew Lawlor on Sep 25, 2013 8:18 PM said:

On September 25, 2013, Republican Senator Ted Cruz made the fourth longest filibuster speech of 21 hours and 19 minutes to speak against President Obama's healthcare law. The longest filibuster speech in US history lasted 24 hours and 18 minutes. It was made by Senator Strom Thurmond in 1957 who was speaking against the 1957 Civil Rights Act.

Anonymous on Oct 9, 2013 10:43 AM said:

Were Cruz to have abided by the rules of the filibuster rules of his state of Texas, his filibuster would not have lasted 15 minutes. Wendy Davis can out-filibuster this dipshit in a heart beat.