Full Time Workers Are Less Likely to be Depressed

by Steven Davies on Aug 23, 2013 | Views: 575 | Score: 4
Depression rate
Not in workforce16.6
Employed part time, want full time10.6
Employed part time, do not want full time7.6
Employed full time for employer5.6
Employed full time for self5.1
Depression Rate (%)
Sources: gallup.com
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Steven Davies
Steven Davies on Aug 23, 2013 1:04 PM said:

Americans not in the workforce, unemployed, or employed part time but looking for full time work are more likely to be depressed than full time workers. People who work full time for themselves only have a 5.1% depression rate, much lower than the 16.6% depression rate of people who are not in the workforce at all.

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