Who Would Benefit From Obama's Executive Action?

by Christian Stellakis on Nov 25, 2014 | Views: 130 | Score: 0
Newly eligible immigrants under expanded Deferred Action for Childhood ArrivalsNewly eligible parents with US-born children over 18Newly eligible parents with US-born children under 18Currently eligible by Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals or Temporary Protected StatusRemain ineligible for permanent US citizenship
Number of Unauthorized Immigrants300000700000280000015000005800000
Sources: pewresearch.org
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Christian Stellakis
Christian Stellakis on Nov 25, 2014 9:14 AM said:

Through executive action, President Obama could provide citizenship eligibility for 3.9 million unauthorized immigrants. A recent Pew analysis found that the executive action benefits parents of US born children the most. What's more, 44% of unauthorized immigrants from Mexico could apply for deportation protection under the new regulations following the executive order.