Californians Paying for Criminals, Not Colleges

by Anthony Sibley (AJ) on Jul 5, 2013 | Views: 345 | Score: 7
Percent Change in Spending from 1980 Level
Corrections and Rehabilitation Spending1488.4
K-12 Education SPending381.4
Total Spending333.5
Health and Human Services Spending279
Higher Education Spending261.4
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Anthony Sibley (AJ)
Anthony Sibley (AJ) on Jul 5, 2013 11:46 PM said:

In California, the prison system and the public university system budgets are allocated from the same fund, pitting the two systems effectively in competition with each other for monies. With the exponential growth of the state's prison population since 1980, prison funding has grown over five times the rate of college spending.

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