Where The American Dream Fails to Favor Americans

by Rachel on May 26, 2014 | Views: 48 | Score: 0
Cents earned by native-borns for every dollar earned by foreign-borns
in 10 poorest states84
in 10 richest states97
Cents earned by native-borns for every dollar earned by foreign-borns
Sources: nytimes.com
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Rachel on May 26, 2014 8:41 AM said:

Immigrants are thriving amidst the bleak reality of America's heartland. "In those places where mobility’s engine is groaning and the social fabric is fraying, many immigrants may have an added edge because of their ability to straddle the seemingly contradictory values of their birthplaces and their adopted land, to balance individualism with community-mindedness and self-reliance with usage of the system."