A Congress of the People? Not Really.

by United for a Fair Economy on Oct 30, 2013 | Views: 140 | Score: 0
U.S. SenatorsU.S. RepresentativesRegular U.S. Households
Median Net Worth (in millions of USD)2.630.7567650.06674
Sources: faireconomy.org
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United for a Fair Economy
United for a Fair Economy on Oct 30, 2013 2:33 PM said:

The U.S. may be a melting pot of cultures and ethnicities, but wealthy, white males comprise the vast majority of our supposedly representative legislature. Nearly half of Congressional members are millionaires. In 2010, the median net worth of U.S. Senators and Representatives was $2.63 million and $756,765, respectively, compared to a median net worth of $66,740 for U.S. households.