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What questions should I ask a tech start-up president for an upcoming blog post?

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% Response
71 Why did you make this?
67 What is the biggest challenge in the tech industry?
67 When hiring, how do you find a balance of soft and technical skills?
57 who is your target market
57 what backed platforms are you using
57 Has he listened to the Startup podcast? If so, can he draw a lot of parallels from it to his own journey?
57 How did he come up with the idea for Savvyroo? Did it one of those flashes of genius or something he'd been marinating in for a while?
57 What's his favorite book?
57 Why do you live in NYC and not San Fran?
57 You can eat a meal with 5 historical people, who are they?
57 Who inspires you?
57 What is the best advice you have for coping and persevering through failures?
57 What is the most powerful lesson starting a company has taught you?
57 What has your most rewarding moment been?
57 How do you find a balance,
57 can I share it on social media
57 how did you come up with the name
57 What is your favorite software platforms?
57 What is your brain food?
50 What are your milestones for the next 30-60-90 days?
50 up with the idea
50 Any advice on how to hire for a start-up?
50 What has motivated or driven product pivots at your company?
43 What are your priorities?
43 Do you have trac
43 is there an app
43 can I get
43 how did you comw
43 How will you take over the world?
43 What was the inspiration?
43 What's the next big thing in tech?

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